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Online Education for Medical Professionals

Increasing discoverability and utility


Case Study: CME Education: Welcome

The Challenge

Physicians have limited time to take online courses. How might we expose the breadth of course but also save them effort in taking the courses they find most interesting and relevant.

The Solution

Increase discoverability and scanability through a format that provides easily consumed decision-making information. Enable them to search, filter, save for later, and view credit tracking information.

The Results

• 30% increase in scroll depth
• 70% loaded the next page
• 2,000 courses saved in week one

• 16% increase in repeat visits

Case Study: CME Education: Experience

How might we ...

Improve discoverability?​

Allow users to save courses to complete later?​

Give quick access to track credits?

Case Study: CME Education: About Me

Biz Objectives

  • Increase retention

  • Increase participation

  • A product that can offer better service than competitors  


  • Product Managers

  • Content Editors

  • Engineering

  • Product Design​

User Goals

  • Access to decision making information.

  • Utility to save for later

  • Find courses in their specialty and across specialties 

Key Features

  • Responsive code base

  • Feed based on most recent content

Case Study: CME Education: Photo Gallery
Case Study: CME Education: FAQ

Case Study: CME Education: Welcome

User Testing


  • Discover usability issues with the landing page

  • Determine if the content/features are appropriate for doctors, and features missing

  • Gather feedback on the design, organization, and layout of the site

Number of Participants: 6

Demographics: Doctors


Ideation: Workshops and Journey Maps

  • Review test, data, and user goals

  • Define needs states/state of mind

  • User-pathways across platforms

  • Ideate on information structures

Case Study: CME Education: News

Key Features of the Experience Design Strategy 

Case Study: CME Education: About Me

Provide a save feature to allow users to save courses to complete later

Present a filterable feed format organized by more recent courses

A card-based layout for courses with a consistent placement of credits and course length

Add multi-select, advanced filtering for course specialty, length, and credit amount

Case Study: CME Education: Awards & Recognitions

Card Design

Each course is presented in a card format displaying: course titles in a condensed font to accommodate lengthy medical terms; the date the course was made available; a brief description, a visual if available, types of credits that can be earned, approximate length of time it takes to complete the course, and a "save" function that toggles on/off. Saved cards are shown in a digest format when they appear together as the saved items. 


Filter by ...

Students are provided with filtering options to find the most relevant and interesting content for them. They can search and multi-select topics, choose by credit/time, content format and type.


Quick Access to Credits

Group workshops
Define needs states
How do we motivate users to enter more data?
Sketch concepts
Improve the data entry on smaller screen sizes

Case Study: CME Education: News

High Fidelity Design + Elements

Finalize design and add new components to the design system

Case Study: CME Education: News

New Work

The responsive CME site launched

Case Study: CME Education: Photo Gallery

Case Study: CME Education: Welcome

Results + Learnings

How is it performing?

• 30% increase in scroll depth
• 70% loaded the next page
• 2,000 courses saved in week one

• 16% increase in repeat visits

Case Study: CME Education: Awards & Recognitions
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